Trinity TV

Trinity TV is home to hundreds of lessons available to access on demand. This online platform contains pre-recorded materials made by subject teachers to ensure that any period of home learning is as interesting, purposeful and accessible as possible. Our staff at Trinity Academy Bradford are passionate about the subjects they teach and the areas they lead on, and work hard behind the scenes to ensure that students continue to have access to provision which is purposeful and dynamic, whilst also providing opportunities for students to reflect on their progress. The videos have been designed so that students can take away the key information from each lesson and they can be accessed at any time by students. The videos can be paused, restarted and downloaded to ensure that the learning is flexible for students. The videos are also beneficial for cover purposes to ensure that our students always have a subject expert in their classroom.

What do the lessons look like?

Each pre-recorded lesson contains activities, which work towards a clear objective. Although each lesson may look differently, all will have the benefit of a subject expert providing clear verbal explanations and instructions throughout to ensure that all lessons are easy to follow! In addition, the video format enables students to watch the lesson content at their own pace and all materials can be accessed via phones, tablets or laptops.

How Trinity TV works

  • Students log onto Trinity TV via the academy website/SharePoint
  • Students select the relevant year group
  • Students select the subject to study
  • Students watch the uploaded video, pausing throughout to complete any tasks set by the teacher.
  • Any work produced will receive feedback in line with our academy marking policy.

Please view the video below for instructions on how to access the Trinity TV live sessions.

Ofsted Good Provider
Trinity Scholars

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