Exam results – ensuring our students achieve their full potential.
As an academy, we work hard to ensure that our students achieve grades that reflect their potential. In 2023 our students excelled, achieving outstanding results across a breadth of subjects.
Progress 8 measures the performance of our students compared to the national progress of students with the same starting points across a suite of eight qualifications, as prescribed by the Government.
In 2023, the Progress 8 score for our Y11 cohort was -0.02, meaning that the school was classified as ‘average’ compared to schools nationally.
In reality, this means that students achieved around the same grade in each of this suite of 8 qualifications, compared to students of similar prior attainment.
Our final KS4 results in 2023 were:
- Progress 8: -0.02
- Percentage of students with a strong pass in GCSE English and GCSE maths (combined): 35% (a strong pass is classified as a grade 5 or above)
- Percentage of students with a standard pass in GCSE English and GCSE maths (combined): 54% (a standard pass is classified as a grade 4 or above)
- Attainment 8 score: 40.8 (this is effectively a total point score across the suite of 8 qualifications mentioned above)
- % of students entered for the English Baccalaureate: 13% (this looks at the proportion of students entered for English, Maths, Sciences, a language, and either Geography or History – nationally, 39% of Year 11 students were entered for all five of these).
- EBacc average point score (APS): 3.31 (this is the average point score our students achieved across the five pillars of the English Baccalaureate)
- % of students staying in education or going into employment after Key Stage 4: no data currently published whilst the academy has been within Trinity MAT (note that destinations data is published in arrears, so this would relate to the Y11 cohort that left the academy in 2021).