
Why is the subject important?

The science curriculum is a broad body of knowledge, a way of knowing, exploring and understanding our world. Encompassed into the curriculum is a complex process of thinking, theorising, observing, experimenting, interpreting and communicating findings.  The curriculum incorporates the ‘Golden Threads’ of science, forces, cells, energy, particles and interdependence. These are integral common themes that run throughout the five-year journey, which is designed to follow a spiral structure allowing students to acquire an understanding of the fundamental principles and skills required to raise scientific inquiry that gradually builds in complexity and adheres to our high academic standards. ​

The vision at Trinity Academy Bradford is to ensure all students develop the skills to become life-long confident, resilient, and reflective learners, who enjoy science and achieve up to and beyond their potential.​

We aim, through our curriculum, to teach the fundamental knowledge and skills so that all students can:​

  • Develop an interest and curiosity both inside and outside of the classroom that relates to real life applications in the world around them​
  • Have an awareness of the diversity of careers in science and the importance of these in the world today​
  • Develop the ability to use scientific inquiry methods including questioning, communicating, justifying and evaluating scientific arguments and claims, as well as implementing practical science methodology​
  • Consider the moral, ethical and social implications of science in line with our academy values​
  • Understand the historical and cultural contexts, in addition to the contemporary issues linked to science and its development​
  • Develop a solid understanding and ability to use and apply scientific knowledge, integrating maths and literacy skills throughout.​
Year 7

What will I be studying?

By the end of Year 7 students in biology will have explored the physical structure of plants and animals and the mechanisms that each structure supports, for example breathing, digestion and reproduction. In chemistry, students will have explored the states of matter, the periodic table and they will begin to apply this in simple chemical reactions such as neutralisation. Within physics, students will have explored fundamental concepts such as forces (both contact and non-contact) and waves in the context of light and sound. Throughout all three subjects practical science skills, science literacy skills, and mathematical skills will be interwoven. By the end of Year 7 students should be able to identify basic laboratory equipment and give a simple explanation of how it can be used. Mathematically students should be able to use positive and negative numbers, read simple skills and plot bar charts to present data given appropriate axes and scales. They will have been introduced to converting units, but further work will be required to embed this skill.

  • Term 1: Living organisms, Particles and Forces: Organisms and cell hierarchy, states of matter and changes of state and simple force interactions.
  • Term 2: Digestion, The Periodic Table and Speed: Diet and the digestive system, periodic table and symbols, speed and journey graphs.
  • Term 3: Gas Exchange, Chemical Reactions and Gravity: Diffusion and breathing, chemical reactions and gravity vs weight.
  • Term 4: Movement, The Earth and Magnets: The skeletal system, earth and the rock cycle, magnets and space.
  • Term 5: Plants, Acids and Alkalis, Sound and Reproduction: Flowers and pollination, pH scale and neutralisation and sound waves, animal and plant reproduction.
  • Term 6: Properties, Light, Respiration, Endothermic reaction and Fuels: Metals and non-metals, light waves, reflection, respiration, endothermic and exothermic reaction and power.

How will I be assessed?

Three summative assessments take place throughout the year, during term 2, term 4 and term 5.

Assessment 1 – assessing knowledge and application of skills of Living Organisms, Particles and Forces and Digestion, The Periodic Table and Speed

Assessment 2 – assessing knowledge and application of skills of Gas Exchange, Chemical Reactions and Gravity and Movement, The Earth and Magnets

Assessment 3 – assessing knowledge and application of skills of Living Organisms, Particles and Forces, Digestion, The Periodic Table and Speed, Gas Exchange, Chemical Reactions and Gravity, Movement, The Earth and Magnets, Plants, Acids and Alkalis and Sound

Students will complete a ‘Masters of Recall’ test three times per year to assess new knowledge studied in science within each term and previous terms.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Knowledge Organisers

  • Living Organisms, Particles and Forces – Term 1
  • Digestion, The Periodic Table and Speed – Term 2
  • Gas Exchange, Chemical Reactions and Gravity – Term 3
  • Movement, The Earth and Magnets – Term 4
  • Plants, Acids and Alkalis, Sound, Reproduction, Properties and Light – Term 5
  • Reproduction, Endothermic and Exothermic reactions, Fuels – Term 6

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online homework and revision tool to provide instant feedback on student progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which allows students to review knowledge and skills in line with KS3 science national curriculum. The platform also has a review and test function to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with their understanding of key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.

What will I be studying?

By the end of Year 8 students in biology will have revisited each of the structures explored in Year 7 to look at the process they support such as photosynthesis, respiration and the importance of DNA in reproduction. In chemistry, students will continue to explore chemical reactions, including those discussed in biology, to show the links between processes in recycling materials.

In physics, students will explore energy sources, revisit changes of state in terms of energy and density, electrical circuits and the interaction between light and the eye. Students should now be able to select appropriate equipment for very simple investigations and give an outline of how the experiment could be conducted, keeping in mind potential risks and how they can be minimised. Mathematically, students should be able to recognise quantities based on their units and be able to convert some quantities into standard units. Students should be able to articulate conclusions to investigations and quote numerical evidence to support their findings.

  • Term 1: Photosynthesis, Separation Techniques, Chemical and Physical Changes and Enzymes: Leaf structure, purity and separating mixtures, chemical and physical changes enzymes in plants.
  • Term 2: The Atmosphere, Energy and Ecosystems: Our atmosphere and the carbon cycle, energy stores and transfers and food chains.
  • Term 3: Materials, Electricity, DNA and Evolution: Metal reactivity, properties of materials, circuits, resistance, DNA and natural selection.
  • Term 4: Diffusion and Seeing Colour: Pressure, the eye and how we see colour.
  • Term 5: Cells to systems, Chemical Equations, Forces and Pressure:  Body interactions and the effects of recreational drugs, word equations, static electricity and recap of key ideas.
  • Term 6: Practical Skills Investigation, Transition.

How will I be assessed?

Three summative assessments take place throughout the year, during term 2, term 4 and term 5.

Assessment 1 – assessing knowledge and application of skills of Respiration, Endothermic and Exothermic reaction, Fuels and Photosynthesis, Separation techniques and Chemical and Physical Changes

Assessment 2 – assessing knowledge and application of skills of Enzymes, The Atmosphere and Energy and Ecosystems, Materials and Electricity

Assessment 3 – assessing knowledge and application of skills of Respiration, Endothermic and Exothermic reaction, Fuels, Photosynthesis, Separation techniques and Chemical and Physical Changes, Enzymes, The Atmosphere and Energy, Ecosystems, Materials and Electricity, DNA and Evolution, Diffusion and Seeing colour.

Students will complete a ‘Masters of Recall’ Test three times per year to assess new knowledge studied in science within each term and previous terms.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Knowledge Organisers

  • Respiration, Endothermic and Exothermic reaction, Fuels:
  • Photosynthesis, Separation Techniques and Chemical and Physical Changes
  • Enzymes, The Atmosphere and Energy
  • Ecosystems, Materials and Electricity
  • DNA and Evolution, Diffusion and Seeing Colour
  • Cells to Systems, Chemical Equations, Forces and Pressure

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online homework and revision tool to provide instant feedback on student progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which allows students to review knowledge and skills in line with KS3 science national curriculum. The platform also has a review and test function to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with their understanding of key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.

Each term students will complete a knowledge recall test, ‘Masters of Recall test’, to assess their knowledge recall in science. This will assess new knowledge studied in science within each term and previous terms.

Quick 6 quizzes take place each lesson together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

What will I be studying?

In Year 9, students revisit the fundamental concepts of biology, chemistry and physics in the first units of ‘Particles’, ‘Matter’ and ‘Cells’; the fundamentals. These topics build on and enhance the fundamental concepts within science the ‘Golden Threads’ and progress beyond the Key Stage 3 national curriculum. There is further progression across the key skills (maths, science investigation skills and scientific literacy) developed in Year 7 and 8 which continually build on intricacy and complexity.

By the end of Year 9 in biology, students will have revisited, consolidated and extended their knowledge of the intrinsic processes that occur inside cells and the mechanisms that each structure supports, for example breathing, respiration and circulation. In chemistry and physics, they will explore the structures of the atom in terms of subatomic particles, the theories of the atomic model, how the model principles were developed. In physics, students will also build upon their knowledge of contact and non-contact forces, explored in Year 7 and 8, and apply and investigate Newton’s three laws of motion.

  • Term 1: Particles and Cells. The particle model, atomic structure, cell structures, DNA and enzymes.
  • Term 2: Cells and Matter. Respiration, photosynthesis, the particle model and changes of state.
  • Term 3: Elements, compounds & mixtures. Purity, separating mixtures, bonding and properties of materials.
  • Term 4: Cell transport systems. Diffusion, osmosis and active transport, movement of substances in animals and plants.
  • Term 5: Forces. Motion, Newton’s laws and forces in action.
  • Term 6: Coordination and Control. The nervous and endocrine systems, maintaining internal environments.

How will I be assessed?

Students will complete a ‘Masters of Recall’ test three times per year to assess new knowledge studied in science within each term and previous terms.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Knowledge Organisers

  • Particles
  • Cells
  • Matter
  • Elements, compounds & mixtures
  • Cell transport systems
  • Forces

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online revision and assessment tool to provide instant feedback on progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which to review all knowledge and skills in line with KS3 national curriculum. The platform also has review and test functions to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.

What will I be studying?

In Year 10 our students follow the OCR Gateway specification. Students either follow the combined science pathway to achieve two GCSE grades or the separate science pathway to attain GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics.

Within biology, students will have moved from cells and organ systems to organisms as a whole, and how organisms interact with one another and the ecosystem. In chemistry, the formulae and equations previously encountered will be used to describe reactions and to predict trends on the periodic table based on experimental observations. In physics, the contact forces explored in Year 9 will now be expanded to look at non-contact force, last addressed in Year 7. Within all topics the mathematical skills of students will continue to develop to enable them to articulate conclusions and support with mathematical evidence. Practical skills will have continued to develop and students should now be able to select appropriate equipment for an experiment and state how to ensure their results are valid.

By the end of Year 11 students will have tied together the learning throughout their five-year learning journey within the final units called ‘Global Challenges’. Within these final units for biology, chemistry and physics, students will learn of the biggest challenges facing the human race: within biology, the spread and treatment of disease and its impact on food security; within chemistry our use of finite resources, how they can be preserved and how their use damages the environment and within physics the energy crisis and how we can reduce our use of fossil fuels while maintaining our current energy dependent lifestyles. Students will now be able to apply their scientific literacy and numeracy skills to select appropriate equipment and plan a method to collect valid data, be able to process, analyse and evaluate complex data.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students will cover the following content:

  • Organism level systems: Coordination and control, the nervous and endocrine systems, and maintaining internal environments
  • Chemical reactions: Introducing chemical reactions, energetics, types of chemical reactions and electrolysis
  • Electricity and magnetism: Static and charge, simple circuits, magnets and magnetic fields
  • Community level systems: Ecosystems
  • Predicting and identifying reactions and products: Chemical reactions; Predicting chemical reactions
  • Waves and radioactivity: Wave behaviour, the electromagnetic spectrum and radioactivity
  • Genes, inheritance and selection: Inheritance, natural selection and evolution
  • Monitoring and Controlling Chemical Reactions: Controlling reactions and equilibria
  • Energy: Work done, power and efficiency
  • Global Challenges: Monitoring and maintaining the environment, feeding the human race, monitoring and maintaining health
  • Global Challenges: Improving processes and products, interpreting and interacting with earth systems

How will I be assessed?

At the end of the course students will sit six terminal exams, assessing knowledge and application of skills covered over the five-year learning journey in science.

Throughout Year 10 and 11, students also complete both end of topic summative assessments and synoptic summative assessments, to assess their progress and understanding of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Which examination board am I following?

Exam Board: OCR

Specification: OCR GCSE Gateway Combined Science A (9-1)


Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online homework and revision tool to provide instant feedback on progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which to review all knowledge and skills in line with KS4 national curriculum. The platform also has review and test functions to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.

What will I be studying?

In Year 10 our students follow the OCR Gateway specification. Students either follow the combined science pathway to achieve two GCSE grades or the separate science pathway to attain GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics.

Within biology, students will have moved from cells and organ systems to organisms as a whole, and how organisms interact with one another and the ecosystem. Within all topics the mathematical skills of students will continue to develop to enable them to articulate conclusions and support with mathematical evidence. Practical skills will have continued to develop, and students should now be able to select appropriate equipment for an experiment and state how to ensure their results are valid.

By the end of Year 11 students will have tied together the learning throughout their five-year learning journey within the final units called ‘Global Challenges’. Within these final units for biology students will learn of the biggest challenges facing the human race: within biology the spread and treatment of disease and its impact on food security. Students will now be able to apply their scientific literacy and numeracy skills to select appropriate equipment and plan a method to collect valid data, and be able to process, analyse and evaluate complex data.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students will cover the following content:

  • Organism level systems: Coordination and control; the nervous and endocrine systems, and maintaining internal environments.
  • Community level systems: Ecosystems.
  • Genes, inheritance and selection: Inheritance, natural selection and evolution.
  • Global Challenges: Monitoring and maintaining the environment, feeding the human race, monitoring and maintaining health.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of the course students will sit two terminal exams, assessing knowledge and application of skills covered over the five-year learning journey in science.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students also complete both end of topic summative assessments and synoptic summative assessments, to assess their progress and understanding of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Which examination board am I following?

Exam Board: OCR

Specification: OCR GCSE Gateway Biology A (9-1)


Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online homework and revision tool to provide instant feedback on progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which to review all knowledge and skills in line with KS4 national curriculum. The platform also has review and test functions to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.

What will I be studying?

In Year 10 our students follow the OCR Gateway specification. Students either follow the combined science pathway to achieve two GCSE grades or the separate science pathway to attain GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics.

Within chemistry, the formulae and equations previously encountered will be used to describe reactions and to predict trends on the periodic table based on experimental observations. Within all topics the mathematical skills of students will continue to develop to enable them to articulate conclusions and support with mathematical evidence. Practical skills will have continued to develop and students should now be able to select appropriate equipment for an experiment and state how to ensure their results are valid.

By the end of Year 11 students will have tied together the learning throughout their five-year learning journey within the final units called ‘Global Challenges’. Within these final units for chemistry, students will learn of the biggest challenges facing the human race: within chemistry our use of finite resources, how they can be preserved and how their use damages the environment. Students will now be able to apply their scientific literacy and numeracy skills to select appropriate equipment and plan a method to collect valid data, and be able to process, analyse and evaluate complex data.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students will cover the following content:

  • Chemical Reactions: Introducing chemical reactions, energetics, types of chemical reactions and electrolysis.
  • Predicting and Identifying Reactions and Products: Predicting chemical reactions.
  • Monitoring and Controlling Chemical Reactions: Controlling reactions and equilibria.
  • Global Challenges:  Improving processes and products, interpreting and interacting with earth systems.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of the course students will sit two terminal exams assessing knowledge and application of skills covered over the five-year learning journey in science.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students also complete both end of topic summative assessments and synoptic summative assessments, to assess their progress and understanding of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Which examination board am I following?

Exam Board: OCR

Specification: OCR GCSE Gateway Chemistry A (9-1)


Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online homework and revision tool to provide instant feedback on progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which to review all knowledge and skills in line with KS4 national curriculum. The platform also has review and test functions to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.

What will I be studying? 

In Year 10 our students follow the OCR Gateway specification. Students either follow the combined science pathway to achieve two GCSE grades or the separate science pathway to attain GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics.

Within physics, the contact forces explored in Year 9 will now be expanded to look at non-contact force, last addressed in Year 7. Within all topics the mathematical skills of students will continue to develop to enable them to articulate conclusions and support with mathematical evidence. Practical skills will have continued to develop and students should now be able to select appropriate equipment for an experiment and state how to ensure their results are valid.

By the end of Year 11 students will have tied together the learning throughout their five-year learning journey within the final units called ‘Global Challenges’. Within these final units for physics, students will learn of the biggest challenges facing the human race: within physics the energy crisis and how we can reduce our use of fossil fuels while maintaining our current energy dependent lifestyles. Students will now be able to apply their scientific literacy and numeracy skills to select appropriate equipment and plan a method to collect valid data, and be able to process, analyse and evaluate complex data.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students will cover the following content:

  • Electricity: Static and charge, simple circuits.
  • Magnetism and Magnetic Fields: Magnets and magnetic fields.
  • Waves: Wave behaviour, the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Radioactivity: Radiation, dangers and uses.
  • Energy: Work done, power and efficiency.
  • Global Challenges: Beyond earth, Physics on the move and powering the earth.

How will I be assessed?

At the end of the course students will sit two terminal exams assessing knowledge and application of skills covered over the five-year learning journey in science.

Throughout Year 10 and 11 students also complete both end of topic summative assessments and synoptic summative assessments to assess their progress and understanding of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge recall quizzes take place at the start of each lesson, together with weekly recall home learning to support and assess knowledge retention over time.

Which examination board am I following?

Exam Board: OCR

Specification: OCR GCSE Gateway Physics A (9-1)


Which websites should I use to support my learning?

  • Educake – an online homework and revision tool to provide instant feedback on progress and understanding.
  • BBC Bitesize – an online learning platform which to review all knowledge and skills in line with KS4 national curriculum. The platform also has review and test functions to allow students to assess their understanding of individual topics.
  • Free science lessons – a selection of online videos to support students with key concepts from both the national curriculum for science and GCSE science specifications.
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