Why is the subject important?

The PE curriculum gives students an opportunity to explore a range of different sports and activities and develop valuable core skills required for day-to-day life. Through PE, the students will develop a vast knowledge base from a range of different sports. Students will take on the role as performer, coach and official, within Phase 1. This process will enable students to acquire strong leadership skills and increase confidence, resilience and empathy.

Our curriculum model is a skillfully sequenced, broad and coherent knowledge pathway, which leads students to succeed at Phase 2 and 3. The learning journey in PE begins in Year 7 through a rigorous multi-skills and fitness scheme of work. Students learn to understand the Three Pillars that are required to be a successful participant. There is a clear focus on the importance of good general fitness by working at different intensities in a range of sports as well as having the declarative knowledge to understand each sport they participant in. Students will get to experience a range of outdoor adventurous activities, which will help develop physical and mental toughness through experiences outside of the classroom. From Phase 1 students are introduced to the Three Pillars; motor competence, rules, strategies and tactics and healthy participation. This will follow on to Phase 2 and Phase 3.

In Phase 2 students will either follow an “academic route” or a “participation route”. Students that follow the academic route are identified within Phase 1 through positive and informative assessment, additionally they will be identified through their aspirations to study Cambridge National Sport Studies. This route allows students to prepare for Sport Studies by emphasising the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in their academic studies in Y10/11.  Students who follow the participation route will have a similar experience to students in Phase 3, they will experience a range of sports to identify a sport they can engage in and develop a love of physical activity and promoting enjoyment for lifelong participation by having the autonomy the sports they study. The emphasis in Phase 2 will be on the application of skills, tactics and strategies, as well as healthy participation as students should have the declarative and procedural knowledge and skills to be able to participate in the sports they select.

At Phase 3 PE is not only academically rich in terms of OCR Sport Studies content, but core PE provides students with a break from academic studies and exam pressures. Core PE lessons provide students with the opportunity to identify a sport that they can engage in and develop a love of physical activity whilst promoting enjoyment for lifelong participation.

Core values are embedded within every PE lesson to integrate sportsmanship, commitment, teamwork and become proactive as young adults. A healthy active lifestyle is at the forefront of the curriculum and through high quality PE lessons, the aim is to promote lifelong participation in sport for all students.

Year 7

What will I be studying?

Students have a varied curriculum where they will participate in a large selection of the following sports for approximately 5 weeks each:

  • Multi skills
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Badminton
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Leadership
  • Handball
  • Striking and fielding (cricket & rounders)
  • Athletics
  • Table tennis
  • Outdoor education
  • First Aid
  • Health related fitness: circuit training, weight training, interval training, aerobics, cross country

How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed on their knowledge and performance of sport/physical activity against 20 different criteria (10 for knowledge and 10 for skill). Students will focus on different knowledge and performance criteria during each term and will be graded on a 0-4 scale for each. These criteria are split into three different sections which are in line with the three main school terms.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

What will I be studying?

Students have a varied curriculum where they will participate in a large selection of the following sports for approximately 5 weeks each:

  • Multi skills
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Badminton
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Leadership
  • Handball
  • Striking and fielding (cricket & rounders)
  • Athletics
  • Table tennis
  • Outdoor education
  • First Aid
  • Health related fitness: circuit training, weight training, interval training, aerobics, cross country

How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed on their knowledge and performance of sport/physical activity against 20 different criteria (10 for knowledge and 10 for skill). Students will focus on different knowledge and performance criteria during each term and will be graded on a 0-4 scale for each. These criteria are split into three different sections which are in line with the three main school terms.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

What will I be studying?

In Phase Two students will either follow an “academic route” or a “engagement route”. Students that follow the academic route are identified within Phase One through positive and informative assessment, additionally they will be identified through their aspirations to student BTEC Sport. This route allows students to prepare for BTEC Sport by emphasising the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in their sport academic studies in Year 10/11.  Students who follow the engagement route will have a similar experience to students in Phase Three; they will experience a range of sports to identify a sport they can engage in and develop a love of physical activity and promoting enjoyments for lifelong participation.

How will I be assessed?

Students will be assessed purely on their effort and attitude to learning.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

What will I be studying?

In Core PE lessons students will get a varied curriculum where they get to choose which sports/activities they want to take part in through an options process. Students will select their options at the start of the academic year and will take part in each activity for approximately 5 weeks.

The choice of activities includes:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Badminton
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Handball
  • Striking and fielding (cricket & rounders)
  • Athletics
  • American football
  • Dodgeball
  • Table tennis
  • Orienteering
  • First Aid
  • Tchoukball
  • Health related fitness: circuit training, weight training, interval training, aerobics, boxercise

How will I be assessed?

Students will be assessed purely on their effort and attitude to learning.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

In Phase One students will be introduced to the three pillars. Motor competence –  knowledge of the range of movements that become increasingly sport and physical activity specific.

Rules, strategies and tactics – knowledge of the rules, strategies and tactics of in different sports and physical activities.

Healthy participation – knowledge of safe and effective participation.

Students will understand how the three pillars are the driving force behind each sport and how they are linked to all sports within our curriculum.

R185 – Practical Sports Performance (Coursework and practical assessment 40%)

In this unit you will have an opportunity to develop your skills both as a performer in two different sporting activities, and as a leader, developing a range of transferable skills. You will work both independently and as part of a team, including communicating with team mates as well as being in front of an audience when you perform. You will perform under pressure, both as a participant and as a leader, and will use your initiative to solve problems and make decisions. Finally, you will deal with rapidly changing conditions and situations. Topics include:

  • Key components of performance
  • Applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity
  • Organising and planning a sports activity session
  • Leading a sports activity session
  • Reviewing your own performance in planning and leading a sports activity session.


R187 – OAA (Coursework 20%)

In this unit you will understand how to find out information about what opportunities there are in your local area as well as nationally in the UK for all different types of outdoor/adventurous activities. You will learn how to enjoy the activities safely by finding out what equipment, clothing, facilities and technology you need, as well as completing planning to help keep you safe. Topics include provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK equipment, clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity to evaluate participation in an outdoor and adventurous activity.

R184 – Contemporary Issues in Sport (Exam 40%)

By completing this unit, you will understand a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, including learning about participation levels and barriers to completing sporting activities. You will also learn how participation is impacted by the promotion of values and ethical behaviour, about the role of high-profile sporting events, the role of national governing bodies and how technology is used within sport. Topics include issues which affect participation in sport

  • The role of sport in promoting values to the implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country or the role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
  • The use of technology in sport.

Phase 2 and Phase 3 curriculum- Students will be introduced to new and emerging sports this year including Parkour, Spike ball and Ultimate Frisbee.

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