Trinity Challenge

As part of our co-curricular provision at Trinity, we invite all students in Year 9 the opportunity to take part in ‘The Trinity Challenge’. This leads on from our Graduation program and is designed to offer students a range of opportunities, enabling them to become resilient learners with a thirst for learning and new experiences. This initiative provides a platform for students to build their character and promote and support health and wellbeing.

Every student that completes 20 challenges will receive the Bronze Trinity Challenge Award. Students can also achieve Silver for completing 25 awards, and Gold for completing 35 awards.

Students have received a hard copy of the booklet below to assist in completing Trinity Challenge. Please use the electronic copy to assist with completing Trinity Challenge at home. Students are encouraged to collate and email evidence to the relevant contact for each challenge, as stated in the booklet.

Ofsted Good Provider
Trinity Scholars

Trinity Scholar students benefit from an additional investment of up to £6000

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