Curriculum Overview - Phase Three
Students have a 25-hour week and study a core programme of English, maths, combined or triple science, core RS and core PE.
Students in phase three work towards their GCSE (or equivalent) qualifications. Current phase three students are following a curriculum pathway in which they chose from a range of subjects from four different option blocks.
All students choose between history or geography in the humanities option block and between a range of technical, creative, GCSE and vocational courses in option blocks A, B and C. Students are able to choose from a wide range of subjects which comprise of a non-exhaustive list, including:
- GCSE Spanish
- Cambridge National Creative iMedia
- Cambridge National Creative Health and Social Care
- Cambridge National Creative Sports Studies
- GCSE Art
- GCSE Photography
- GCSE Music
NB: Please note that the option blocks and subjects offered are reviewed each academic year.